Lawn Brown Or Yellow Patch Treatment Service

Brown or Dead patches on the lawn can be caused by a variety of causes some of which are easy to control and some that may require more attention. The Lawn and Weed Pro can diagnose why you have brown patches or weak sparse grass in your lawn and will recommend a program to cure the problem.

Brown patches can range from a few small patches that lose some of their colour gradually turning brown to larger areas that turn brown with the grass eventually dying leaving a bare patch that can be colonised by weeds or moss.

Animal Urine

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Brown circular patches with outer rings of very bright and longer grass in areas that your pets or animals may use to relieve themselves.


Common problem caused by animal urine particularly from bitches. If you do not have a pet you may have a vixen ( fox) visiting your garden.


Irrigate the areas after each visit and in future encourage your animal to use an area not on the lawn. You may want to consider using dog rocks in the water bowl to neutralise urine. In extreme cases dig out and replace the soil and turf or seed.

Petrol, Oil Or Chemical Spills

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Irregular random patches of dying grass appearing across large areas of the lawn or running in lines across the lawn.


Can be caused by Petrol spills or oil leaks from your mower or other machinery.


Do not fill your mower while it is on the lawn. Petrol spills will kill grass. The soil will need to be heavily and regularly irrigated and over seeded. In extreme cases dig out and replace the soil and sow fresh seed.

Tree Roots

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

In dry weather areas of brown grass appearing under the canopy of trees.


The grass is losing the battle for moisture with the roots of the tree.


Aerate to ventilate and improve drainage in the soil. In severe cases water the lawn in the morning.

Chemicals And Cleaning Agents

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Regularly spaced Boot sized areas of brown or dying grass.


Individuals walking over drives or patio areas that have been treated with path cleaner or other chemicals and then walking across the lawn.


Wear Wellington boots or similar and wash them after using any chemicals before walking on the grass. Walking on your lawn after several days of heavy frost or very heavy drought can also cause brown or dry patches to appear later in the year.

Regular Pattern Of Brown Stripes Appearing On The Lawn Usually After Feeding.

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Lines of browning grass with areas of bright green grass.


Feeding you lawn with the incorrect range of nutrients or excessive fertiliser or any chemical can scorch the lawn and in certain cases kill the grass. Either the fertiliser has not been applied in the correct dosage or the equipment used is not accurate.


Ensure that you carefully measure and apply anything you put on your lawn taking care not to double dose areas of lawn by over lapping the application runs. Prevention is easier than the cure. Irrigate and aerate the lawn over seeding when necessary. Probably better to call the Lawn and Weed Pro and ask them to apply the treatment.

Bare Patches That Appear On High Spots In Your Lawn.

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Thin yellow grass or bare patches that are eventually colonised by moss and or weeds.


Due to the uneven nature of the lawn the mower blades, particularly if you use a rotary mower, are scalping the grass ( cutting too close to the ground ) on the high spots weakening or even removing the grass.


Raise the height your lawn mower blade is set at. Take action to remove extreme undulations from your lawn to avoid scalping. Top dressing to even out undulations.

Lawns Turns Brown After Mowing During The Summer.

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Lawn starts to turn yellow and some areas almost turn white a few days after mowing.


Cutting the lawn in very dry weather removes moisture. If the weather remains hot and dry and worse still sunny, the grass will become stressed and as it loses moisture turn yellow, even brown. Ensure your mower blades are sharp. Blunt blades smash the grass leaving tears and bruising which can allow disease into the grass blade. Irregular or infrequent cutting of the lawn will also stress the grass particularly if you let the grass grow quite long and then cut it short. Remember the 1/3 rule.


Sensible watering and timing of mowing will prevent this problem. Plenty of irrigation to help the grass recover. Sensible mowing habits – only cut the grass if it requires a cut, try not to cut in frosty or very dry weather. Never cut off more than one third of the actual length of the grass at any time.

Dry Patch.

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Ink stain shaped brown patches.


Dry patch disease caused by fungicide see Hydrostatic dry patch, “Dry Patch” usually occurs during warm dry weather and high evening temperatures. The humid conditions encourage the disease to develop and the consequences are the soil does not absorb most of the moisture available and the grass dries out.


Mild cases can be treated with aeration and watering more serious cases may require – treatment with a wetting agent to counter the dry patch combined with aeration to increase the water absorption / retention properties of the soil.

Thick Excessive Thatch On The Lawn

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Random areas of brown patches across the lawn, spongy feel to the lawn when you walk on it.


Excessive thatch on the lawn will retain water holding it on or near the surface creating humid conditions that can encourage diseases. The excessive thatch prevents moisture being absorbed by the soil and reaching the roots of the grass.


Water must be allowed to reach the roots. The lawn must be raked or scarified to remove the thatch and moss. Aerate if possible.

Soil Compaction.

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Brown patches appearing in areas of heavy foot traffic or on heavy clay soils. When it does rain the water sits on the surface and does not drain away.


The compacted soil is preventing water soaking into the soil and like thatch is preventing moisture reaching the roots.


Aerate or spike to relieve compaction and increase the flow of water to the soil and roots. In serious cases top dress with sandy top dressing to improve soil quality and improve ventilation.

Turf Diseases

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Numerous small circular brown spots. Spreading and multiplying quickly particularly in periods of warm weather. Spots will gradually increase in size.


There are several different turf diseases that can cause brown patches in your lawn. Some turf diseases can be caused by feeding your lawn with the wrong type of fertiliser. Some diseases are encouraged by too much nitrogen in the soil. They are also encouraged if the soil is poorly nourished and or heavy with thatch.


Aerating and a program of correct feeding with appropriate balanced feeds used by The Lawn and Weed Pro can solve most minor cases. Medium to extreme cases may require an application of fungicide. Call the Lawn and Weed Pro and we can identify and treat the disease. Reducing the frequency of mowing in moist damp weather prevents the spread of most diseases and reduces stress on the grass. Regular Aeration and scarifying to remove thatch will help prevent repeat problems.

Insect Damage

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Brown patches appearing usually in areas near walls fences or in areas of shade or damp conditions. Once they have been noticed there can be a rapid increase in number and size of the patches.


The larvae of various insects, Chafer grubs, leather jackets eat the roots and shoots of your grass. Large areas of your lawn can be damaged beyond repair if you do not take action to treat an insect infestation. Birds particularly larger species pecking at your lawn for the grubs / larvae are an indication you may have an infestation.


The Lawn and Weed Pro can identify and treat any insect problem you have with the relevant pesticide. Ensuring that the treatment is effective relatively inexpensive and safe.


The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Grass loses its shine and starts to look dull and brown.


Lack of moisture due to low rainfall or competition from nearby trees and shrubs.


All livings things require moisture. Give the lawn a thorough watering to help the lawn recover. Water in the morning so the grass can dry out and prevent humid conditions forming. Avoid watering at night as this can produce humid conditions.


The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Yellow grass and eventually dead grass appearing in the autumn.


Leaving leaves on your lawn for just a few days can cause serious damage. Leaves should be swept up after 3/ 4 days. If the grass does not receive any light for more than 6/7 days it will start to deteriorate.


Regularly sweep or blow you leaves every few days in the Autumn.


The tell tale signs or symptoms.

A yellowish green lawn with areas of thin sparse weak grass.


Heavy clay soils tend to suffer from moss problems. The moss competes with the grass for nutrients and moisture gradually weakening and pushing the grass out.


Treat moss with an effective Moss control agent. Depending on the amount of moss present in the lawn follow it up with scarifying to remove the dead moss, aerate to resolve soil compaction which is one of the underlying factors that allow moss to develop in lawns. Follow up the aeration and scarifying by top dressing with a 70 % sand based top dressing to improve soil quality and finally over seeding to thicken the grass.

Waterlogged Or Poorly Drained Lawns

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

A typical characteristic is a sticky covering of paste like soil sitting on the surface.


Compaction caused by steady regular footfall, even animal traffic combined with heavy rainfall can result in slow draining areas of lawns that hold water and form puddles


Relief can be achieved by penetrating or aerating / spiking the soil to a depth of 4 “ followed with top dressing — filling the holes with sandy top dressing to allow them to act as mini ventilation shafts improving the flow of water and air to the roots. Ideally work should be carried out in the autumn as opposed to the spring and a rich feed of potassium used to assist root development. Sever cases of poor drainage will require some land drainage. Aerating and top dressing will only improve surface drainage not drainage as a whole.

Worm Casts

The tell tale signs or symptoms.

Brown bubble gum type smears across your lawn or small mounds of damp earth.


A few species of earthworm dig out and secrete earth onto the soil surface called casts. They can be smudged/smeared by lawn mowers or footsteps.


Let the casts dry and brush away with a stiff yard brush. The Lawn Weed Expert can, when appropriate, spray a product onto you lawn that will discourage worms from excreting deposits thus preventing worm casts.

Possible Causes And Solutions Of Brown Or Yellow Patches In Lawns